Activities News

Hate Speech, Digital Media And Detection Processes

The Euro-Arab Foundation participated in the International Congress Expressions of Hate, Digital Media and Detection Processes (CIOMD) which was held from 19 to 20 October at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, organised by the projects Catografiocom and HateMedia. The participation of the Euro-Arab Foundation was focused on the papers: Monitoring right-wing extremist Narratives: Case Studies 20 and 25 November, Alternative Voices to Misogynist Frames: Countering Manosphere Narratives, and New Discursive Frames as Prevention of Extremism, all within the European STAND-UP framework, by FUNDEA’s researchers, Javier Ruipérez Canales, Lucía García del Moral, José Luis Salido Medina and Daniel Pérez Garcia.

The Catografiocom and HateMedia projects, funded by the State Research Agency – Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, are led by more than 30 researchers from several universities in Spain from different areas of knowledge, who have been working, interdisciplinarily, in the study of the central theme of this conference, hate crimes.

Cartografiocom Project- Cartography of hate speech in Spain through communication: sports, bullfighting and politics’ focuses its research on detecting and analyzing through communication, hate speech in Spain: How and where it manifests itself, what patterns of dissemination it follows, what language and rhetorical resources it uses, what tradition or novelty it presents in our country, what environments favor it, and other aspects already mentioned.

Hate Media Project – Taxonomy, presence, and intensity of hate speech in digital environments linked to the Spanish professional media’, focuses its objectives on analyzing how hate speech is disseminated in digital environments associated with the professional media; and encouraging the detection and monitoring of this type of speech in Spain.

Activities News

Cooperative and preventive models to combat online and offline hatred

On Friday 20th October 2023, Agenfor International Foundation presented, with the support of the Municipality of Turin, the jointwork of the European projects TRUST and STAND-UP at CTE NEXT, House of EmergingTechnologies, a dissemination event on hate phenomena and the public-private cooperation model.Among the speakers, the Councillor Giovanna Pentenero, Municipality Councillor AbdullahiAhmed, and RAN expert Diletta Berardinelli.

The conference was well attended, in presence as well as online, by Muslim communities inparticular, women, who are still the most affected group in Italy, but also by representatives of civilsociety associations and organisations.

The event opened with the presentation of Viviana Gullo (Junior Project Manager at AgenforInternational) on the European projects TRUST and STAND-UP, which focus is on theimplementation of a model to counter and prevent hate phenomena, based on public-private cooperation, starting from the analysis of phenomena in the online reality.

The speaker and moderator briefly presented the essentials for understanding hate crime and hatespeech, starting with the definitions of under-reporting and under-recording. It is important to startwith these definitions because discrimination, intolerance and hatred towards individuals orcommunities on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, or other aspects of a person’s identity arestill widespread in our society. The limited or lack of reporting and recording of hate phenomenafoments their recurrence, “normalising hatred”. According to interviews conducted during the firstmonths of TRUST, Ms. Gullo continues, it is precisely the tolerance of Muslim women who haveexperienced discrimination, crimes and hate speech that is emphasised, i.e. the reality of consideringthe reporting or denouncing of such violations useless, which prevents the phenomena from beingcombated.

Download the Dissemination Event Document


A new investigative-preventive model for denouncing hate crimes

Agenfor International compiled several hate crime witnesses and victims, including those people who have been insulted or have suffered any physical or verbal aggression, destruction or damage of property, or cyber-attacks, because of their gender identity, disability, religion, sex, or other innate characteristics, through a scannable QR questionnaire.

The motto “Together we can fight and prevent the hatred” encouraged victims and witnesses to collaborate with their experiences to collect data and reports to submit to the European Commission to draft policy proposals and recommendations at the national and European levels, establishing a public authority-led investigative-preventive law enforcement model.