3 trainings will be held in the cities of Venice (on 21 June), Milan (on 28 June), and Rimini (on 29 June) in Italy, in the framework of the Stand-Up project. These regional courses are taught in Italian, following the Greek courses held in May, and the next ones to be held in Spain in September.
The aim of the trainings is to improve the competences and technological skills to combat hate phenomena. They will teach how to use OSINT and Falkor software to monitor hate speech and will implement Virtual Reality simulations. Courses will also explain Hate phenomena and national and european legislation, will have a victim-centred approach and focus on public-private cooperation.
The trainings are addressed to members of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Public Authorities (judiciaries, ministries,prosecutors), or associationss or communitiess affected by hate crime or hate speech.
The courses are organised by Agenfor, a member of the Stand-up consortium. The technology tools block will be delivered by Falkor.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact Viviana Gullo (viviana.gullo@agenformedia.com) to register or for more information.