
Spanish Experts Network against Hate Crime and Underreporting

The Euro-Arab Foundation has become a member of the REDOI Network (Spanish Network against Hate Crimes and under-reporting), a national network of experts involved in the fight against hate phenomena, coordinated by ‘Está en tu mano’, a funded project by the European Commission’s  Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Spanish Directorate General for Humanitarian Attention and Social Inclusion of Immigration.

This network aims to prevent hate crimes and hate speech through a multi-agency cooperation approach, creating synergies, data sharing, and possible research collaborations at a national and European level.

Researcher Lucía García del Moral Martín is to represent the Foundation in the Third Sector Correspondent in Granada [Corresponsalía del Tercer Sector en Granada].

Access to REDOI’s website


STAND-UP’s EU-level Policy Recommendations on Supporting Multi-Agency Cooperation in Countering Hate Crime

As a part of the STAND-UP Project, an EU Policy Paper on EU-level recommendations on supporting multi-agency cooperation in countering hate crime, considering that integration of technological tools has emerged as a pivotal aspect of the collective response, was delivered.

The policy recommendations proposed under the project adopt a multi-stakeholder approach, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among public and private parties, including law enforcement agencies, criminal justice, other national institutions, such as National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), policymakers, and the broader community.

In the digital age, technology plays a dual role in the perpetuation and prevention of hate crime

This paper incorporates the extensive work accomplished over the past two years through the STAND-UP Project; it overviews how to enhance multi-agency cooperation at the national and EU level through the participation of a wide variety of stakeholders, moving beyond the EU High-Level Group proposed “structured” cooperation between LEAs and CSOs

In this way, a future strategic document by the European Union is anticipated to outline a comprehensive approach specifically targeting the issue of hate crime and hate phenomena, both in the physical world and online. This prospective document, in response to the evolving and increasing challenges of hate-based incidents, is expected to detail forward-looking steps which will aim to ensure robust monitoring, establish fair and efficient legal procedures, and develop a sustainable system capable of responding to emerging trends in hate crime and online hate speech and of tackling discrimination and human rights violations.

Download the paper here


European STAND-UP project enlarged tools to combat hate crime

After a two-year multi-agency work bringing discrimination, intolerance, and hatred into focus, the European project STAND-UP has come to an end. The closure event, the seminar Stand Together Against Hate: A Multi-Agency Initiative was held in Brussels, on the 11th of January, with an introductive part of the project conducted by Giovanni Gasparani, Prosecutor office of Venice, and the keynote speech of Magdalena Adamowicz, member of the European Parliament for the European People’s Party whose husband, the Polish politician Paweł Adamowicz, was assassinated by an extremist in which is considered a hate crime.

The morning session included the roundtable Navigating the Intersection of Hate Speech and Crimes with Menno Ettema, Programme Manager and Co-Secretary to expert Committee on Combating Hate Speech, to expert Committee on Combating Hate Speech; Nataša Vučković (via online), member of the Center for Democracy Foundation (CDF); Sergio Bianchi (online), expert of the Group on Combating Anti-Muslim hatred and discrimination in the EU; and finally Simonetta Moro (online) from the Municipality of Bologna.

One of the main outputs of STAND-UP project, the EU Policy Paper: ‘EU-Level Policy Recommendations on Supporting Multi-Agency Cooperation in Countering Hate Crime, Including Through the Use of Technologies‘ elaborated by GNCHR, was presented during the morning session by GNCHR representatives Eva Tzavala, Coordinator of the Scientific Unit, and Dr. Anastasia Chalkia, Human Rights Officer.

The six European project partners shared the afternoon session’s panels on interagency cooperation to tackle hate crimes and hate speech, as well as local pilot success stories and results developed in Veneto, Athens, Andalusia, and Trentino-Alto Adige. The first included the participation of Akis Karatrandos, Research Fellow at ELIAMEP and Senior Advisor at KEMEA; Katerina Charokopou, Legal Officer at GNCHR; Viviana Gullo, Project Manager of Agenfor; FUNDEA’s Research Fellow, Lucía García del Moral, and of Prof. Artinopoulou (EPLO) as a moderator. On its side, the second panel entailed the interventions of Clara Raffaele Addamo, lawyer, Prosecutor office of Trento; Viviana Gullo, Agenfor’s Project Manager; Katerina Charokopou, Legal Officer of GNCHR; Giovanni Gasparini, Prosecutor Office of Venice; Prof. Artinopoulou, Director of the Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (EPLO); Maryna Manchenko, from CESIE; and Viviana Gullo, Agenfor’s Project Manager, as a moderator.

Implementing the STAND-UP multi-agency model to stop hate crimes

During its implementation period, between January 2022 and January 2024, the STAND-UP project held several activities, among them an exclusive webinar addressing hate crime in the digital era or regional courses in Italy and Greece to improve competence and technological skills to combat hate phenomena, using technologies such as Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to monitor hate speech, along with Virtual Reality simulations and the STAND-UP model based on a victim-centered approach. The courses were focused on multi-agency cooperation, hate phenomena, and national and European legislation, and were addressed to members of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Public Authorities (judiciaries, ministries, prosecutors), or associations or communities affected by hate crime or hate speech.

An anonymous form to denounce hate crimes was created and a six-month pilot was run with the implementation of OSINT-monitoring centers that generate alerts and reports when online traffic concerning hateful sentiment toward a given at-risk group surpasses average levels, based on the semantic bank for hateful sentiment and identified at-risk groups. The pilot compared levels of hateful content online with incidents of hate crime to understand the extent to which the two are reflective of each other and, thus, explore how rising tensions or growing hateful sentiment towards a given group can be the trigger for preventive action. This pilot also implemented the Blueprint for Cooperation, using a platform to share information and a model of granular access and trialing the model memoria of understanding, as well as the Victim Support Handbook for effective but sensitive investigations and prosecutions.

A Victim Support Handbook

To boost the victim-centered approach, something crucial to make victims feel safe, to openly speak of their experience and to seek help and advice, the STAND-UP project made public its Victim Support Handbook (download here) that exposes the terminology and a synthesis of the STAND-UP project and the technology tool OSIN used. It provides context on hate-crime victims’ rights within the EU, defining who are hate crime victims, types of hate speeches and crimes and their impact, as well as a victim-centered approach to support; it establishes the role of CSOs and prosecutors, the legal framework and good practices in Italy, Greece, and Spain, and it concludes with a toolkit for analyzing a particular case of hate speech.

The Handbook is a significant tool that aims at the sustainability of support service providers like the CSOs (Civil Society Organizations), the most relevant actors in the victim support systems, and that puts on the table the importance of partnerships with the public sector, able to establish national funds.


European hate-crime battling project STAND-UP put an end with a seminar in Brussels

Brussels, 11 January 2024.- The closure event of the European STAND-UP project, the seminar “Stand Together Against Hate: A Multi-Agency Initiative”, has taken place this Thursday in the Residence Palace, Brussels, with the intervention of experts on hate speech crime, and the handout of the Victim Support Handbook as an efficient tool to hate monitoring and reporting. The morning session also included the presentation of the EU policy recommendations on supporting multi-agency cooperation in countering hate crime, making a special mention of the use of technologies for this purpose.

The seminar presented the results of various training programmes in different countries included in the project, creating an environment for in-depth discussions and exchanges. Experts such as Menno Ettema, Magdalena Adamowicz, Nataša Vučković, Akis Karatrandos will spoke on the topic of hate speech crime.

The six European project’s partners – National Commission for Human Rights (Greece), Euro-Arab Foundation (Spain), European Public Law Organization (Greece), Agenfor International Foundation (Italy), and European Association for Local Democracy (France), under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Ordinary Court of Trento (Italy) –  have shared the afternoon session’s panels on interagency cooperation to tackle hate crimes and hate speech, as well as local pilot success stories and results developed in Veneto, Athens, Andalusia and Trentino-Alto Adige.

The STAND-UP project, co-funded with 748,780.66 euros by the European Commission Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, has taken place from January 2022 and January 2024 and it has focused on public authorities and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)’ responsibilities and relationships with victims. It has enhanced multi-agency cooperation by establishing harmonized definitions of hate crime, embedded within a blueprint framework for cooperation, and it standardizes reporting procedures through the co-design and validation of reporting forms for law enforcement agencies, and CSOs/NGOs. STAND-UP has deepened the relevant actors’ point of view of hate speech and hate crime, including the sentiments behind them on a local level.

Activities News

Hate Speech, Digital Media And Detection Processes

The Euro-Arab Foundation participated in the International Congress Expressions of Hate, Digital Media and Detection Processes (CIOMD) which was held from 19 to 20 October at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, organised by the projects Catografiocom and HateMedia. The participation of the Euro-Arab Foundation was focused on the papers: Monitoring right-wing extremist Narratives: Case Studies 20 and 25 November, Alternative Voices to Misogynist Frames: Countering Manosphere Narratives, and New Discursive Frames as Prevention of Extremism, all within the European STAND-UP framework, by FUNDEA’s researchers, Javier Ruipérez Canales, Lucía García del Moral, José Luis Salido Medina and Daniel Pérez Garcia.

The Catografiocom and HateMedia projects, funded by the State Research Agency – Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, are led by more than 30 researchers from several universities in Spain from different areas of knowledge, who have been working, interdisciplinarily, in the study of the central theme of this conference, hate crimes.

Cartografiocom Project- Cartography of hate speech in Spain through communication: sports, bullfighting and politics’ focuses its research on detecting and analyzing through communication, hate speech in Spain: How and where it manifests itself, what patterns of dissemination it follows, what language and rhetorical resources it uses, what tradition or novelty it presents in our country, what environments favor it, and other aspects already mentioned.

Hate Media Project – Taxonomy, presence, and intensity of hate speech in digital environments linked to the Spanish professional media’, focuses its objectives on analyzing how hate speech is disseminated in digital environments associated with the professional media; and encouraging the detection and monitoring of this type of speech in Spain.

Activities News

Cooperative and preventive models to combat online and offline hatred

On Friday 20th October 2023, Agenfor International Foundation presented, with the support of the Municipality of Turin, the jointwork of the European projects TRUST and STAND-UP at CTE NEXT, House of EmergingTechnologies, a dissemination event on hate phenomena and the public-private cooperation model.Among the speakers, the Councillor Giovanna Pentenero, Municipality Councillor AbdullahiAhmed, and RAN expert Diletta Berardinelli.

The conference was well attended, in presence as well as online, by Muslim communities inparticular, women, who are still the most affected group in Italy, but also by representatives of civilsociety associations and organisations.

The event opened with the presentation of Viviana Gullo (Junior Project Manager at AgenforInternational) on the European projects TRUST and STAND-UP, which focus is on theimplementation of a model to counter and prevent hate phenomena, based on public-private cooperation, starting from the analysis of phenomena in the online reality.

The speaker and moderator briefly presented the essentials for understanding hate crime and hatespeech, starting with the definitions of under-reporting and under-recording. It is important to startwith these definitions because discrimination, intolerance and hatred towards individuals orcommunities on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, or other aspects of a person’s identity arestill widespread in our society. The limited or lack of reporting and recording of hate phenomenafoments their recurrence, “normalising hatred”. According to interviews conducted during the firstmonths of TRUST, Ms. Gullo continues, it is precisely the tolerance of Muslim women who haveexperienced discrimination, crimes and hate speech that is emphasised, i.e. the reality of consideringthe reporting or denouncing of such violations useless, which prevents the phenomena from beingcombated.

Download the Dissemination Event Document

Activities News

International Conference against Hate Crimes and Underreporting

On 25th September 2023, the Granada-based Euro-Arab Foundation held the International Conference against Hate Crimes and Underreporting. The Government Delegate, Inmaculada López Calahorro; the Director of Columbares, Rosa Cano Molina, and the Director of Projects and Research at Euro-Arab Foundation, Javier Ruipérez Canales, participated in the opening ceremony. The one-day conference was organized by COLUMBARES with funding from the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, and the collaboration of the Euro-Arab Foundation, the University of Murcia, and the European project STAND-UP.

Throughout the day, a multidisciplinary analysis of hate speech in our societies was carried out by expert speakers from universities, the Civil Guard, NGOs, associations, and social activists. Needs that currently exist to address these crimes were analyzed such as, among other topics, the role played by the media and social networks, the response given to this kind of crimes by associations and social organizations, as well as the approach and actions carried out by activists. The institutional attention given to these crimes by the Guardia Civil was also addressed and the Spanish Network against Hate Crimes and Infradenuncia, REDOI, was presented to the public.

Among the speakers were María Pina Castillo, coordinator of the project ‘Está en tu mano-Actúa’ (It’s on your hands: Act!); the MP Ismael Cortés Gómez, researcher in international Peace and Conflict Studies; the lecturer at the University of Granada, Carmen Aguilera Carnerero, expert in Islamophobia; the activists Sani Ladan, international analyst and migration expert; Xaby and Raffa, LGTBIQ+ activists, and Ignacio Paredero Huerta; Organizing Secretary of the LGTBI+ Spain Federation. Other speakers were the lieutenant of the Civil Guard, Benjamín Salas, and the psychologist, Mª Carmen Filigrana García, from the Federation of Gypsy Women’s Associations FAKALI; the researchers from the Euro-Arab Foundation, Lucía García del Moral, Daniel Pérez and Jose Luis Salido; the social educator María Ibáñez Palazón, from the project ‘Está en tu mano-Actúa’ and the journalist and social communicator, Natalia Díez from ‘’.

In 2022 there was an increase of almost 4%

In terms of the data collected by the Ministry of the Interior on an annual basis, in 2022 there was an increase of 3.7% in hate crimes compared to those recorded in 2020 and 2021. With 1869 hate crimes reported in the last year, those motivated by racism and xenophobia, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ideology stand out for their abundance.

Why are these crimes not always reported?

Considering the above data, we cannot forget the high percentage of under-reporting. According to the study carried out by Columbares in 2022, victims do not report for various reasons, including being in an irregular administrative situation, having limited financial resources, not repairing the damage, ignorance of the process, not disclosing sexual orientation, and lack of trust in the system.

You can visit the project website at:


Book Presentation: The Moon is in Duala and My Destiny in the Knowledge

On 26th September 2023, the Euro-Arab Foundation held the presentation of the book: The Moon is in Duala and My Destiny in the Knowledge (2023, Plaza y Janes Ed.)with the participation of the author, Sani Ladan, and Daniel Pérez García, researcher at the Foundation. The event was organized in the framework of the European project STAND-UP.


Imagine that you live in a country that does not allow you to pursue the studies you need to develop as an individual. Imagine that you have no greater dream than precisely that. Try to imagine now that, at the age of fifteen, with the cold, awakened mind of the adult you project yourself to be and the heart full of the secrets and illusions of the child you still are, you run away from home with no other aim than to achieve a purpose that starts to become truncated and violent and dehumanizing from the first stop along the way.

This story, as real as the injustice in the world we live in, is mine.


Sani Ladan is an African of Cameroonian origin and anti-racist and human rights activist. He has been raising awareness and working closely with the reality of migration on the southern border of Europe for almost ten years, a phenomenon that he has experienced as a person, having gone through the same migration process from Cameroon to Spain.

He is a graduate of International Relations from the Loyola University of Andalusia, an analyst of International Relations with a focus on Africa, a Social Educator, an intercultural trainer, and president of the association Elín, in Ceuta. He collaborates as an international analyst with the television channel France 24 in Spanish. He has run a home for migrants for the Espacios Berakah Association in Seville and has created the podcast Africa in 1 click.

For several years, he has been giving lectures on migration and geopolitics in Africa at various universities, anti-racist circles, and human rights organizations. He has participated as a researcher in the elaboration of several reports on migration and in 2019 he was a speaker at TEDxTarragona.


Article ‘Hate speech: not all victims are survivors’

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown a wide escalation on hate phenomena.

This is the case of the Australian doctor Lisa-Maria Kellermayr, who committed suicide in July 2022 as a result of virtual harassment by people supporting anti-vaccine theories and far-right ideology.

Read the article “Hate speech: not all victims are survivors” written by Viviana Gullo from Agenfor International Foundation. The article analyses the essential elements that define the hate phenomena in the online environment, in order to have the necessary tools to understand and address it properly.


STAND-UP Pilot Phase

After the training held in June 2023 on the specificities of the hate phenomena, the survivor-centered approach and the technologically advanced tools, AGF gathered interested and committed individuals from private entities (namely, NGOs and associations) to start the pilot phase, focusing on online hate speech monitoring, together with the project coordinator, TNJudPol.

The participants discussed the hate climate and, in line with their expertise, chose a topic and drafted a short report. TNJudPol worked on the monitoring and analysis of the hate wave during the Dolomiti Pride (Trentino region), supported by Clara Raffaele Addamo, lawyer in the areas of Rovereto and Trento, specialized in migration.

Murilo Cambruzzi, Researcher at the Antisemitism Observatory of the CDEC Foundation (Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea – Centre for Contemporary Jewish Documentation), drafted his report on the antisemitic episodes in the soccer environment.

Maryna Manchenko, Project Manager and Researcher at CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives, focused on the homophobic climate in Italy, more precisely on the peak of hate reached during the summer pride parades.

Viviana Gullo drafted a paper after the referral from the Muslim community on the annulment of the Bahja Pool Party in July 2023, due to the Islamophobic climate in Italy.